The Passing of the Postwar Era

Sometimes, just when you least expect it, symbolism steps right up and coldcocks you. So how about this headline for – in the spirit of our last president – ushering America’s withdrawal from Iraq right over the nearest symbolic cliff: “U.S. empties biggest Iraq base, takes Saddam’s toilet.” They’re talking about Victory Base, formerly – again in the spirit of thoroughly malevolent symbolism – Camp Victory, the enormous American military base that sits at the edge of Baghdad International Airport and that we were never going to leave.

Is the National Security Complex Too Big to Fail?

The Complex is forever (at least as its managers see it). Despite modest rumblings in Washington about the Pentagon and intelligence budgets and the deficit, it”s not just considered too big to fail, but generally too big to question, and too deeply embedded to think much about.

Washington’s Field of Screams

When we build those bases on that global field of screams, when we send our armadas of drones out to kill, don’t be surprised if the rest of the world doesn’t see us as the good guys or the heroes, but as terminators.

The Occupation That Time Forgot

On my many drives from West Bank city to West Bank city, from Ramallah to Jenin, Abu Dis to Jericho, Bethlehem to Hebron, I’d play a little game: Could I travel for an entire minute without seeing physical evidence of the occupation?

The Energy Landscape of 2041

A 30-year war for energy preeminence? You wouldn’t wish it even on a desperate planet. But that’s where we’re headed and there’s no turning back.

All-American Decline in a New World

Seeing Arabs demanding something we were convinced was the birthright and property of the West, of the United States in particular, has to send a shiver down anyone’s spine.

Pox Americana

As we’ve watched the dramatic events in the Middle East, you would hardly know that we had a thing to do with them.