Our Work

At IPS, our work is centered in our vision: we believe everyone has a right to thrive on a planet where all communities are equitable, democratic, peaceful, and sustainable. Our intersecting programs and initiatives, led by a diverse group of expert staff and associate fellows, are helping to shape progressive movements toward this vision.

Latest Work

People and Planet Over Profit at the Youth Climate Strikes

Millions of young people around the world join global strike to demand climate action ahead of United Nations Climate Summit.

We Have The Money For A Green New Deal. We Just Waste It On Useless Wars.

For just over 10 percent of a single year’s military spending, we could build enough green electricity for every household in the country.

Just 11 percent of the Military Budget Could Fund Renewable Energy for Every US Home

Youth are demanding a Green New Deal and a sustainable economy. We can start by drastically reducing military spending and shifting defense funds toward renewable energy.

The Collapse of the East Asian Order

With Japan and South Korea in the middle of a feud, East Asia is on the verge of a serious unraveling.

Scientists Shouldn’t Listen to the Fossil Fuel Industry. Geoengineering is a Scam.

Oil and gas companies aren’t only polluting our air, water, and soil. They’ve injected themselves into our education system as well.

About 100 Million Americans Are Effectively Hidden by Official Poverty Statistics

Millions of us are living in poverty — we need investments to raise the standard of living.

The GM Strike: A Century of Context

In deeply unequal societies, real gains for working people never come easy.

The Threat of Bolton Has Receded — But Not the Threat of War

Bolton’s bellicose worldview is the basic operating system of the Trump administration.

What the Felicity Huffman Scandal Says About America

Low-income parents risk jail for putting their kids in better public schools, while the rich bribe colleges to shut the poor out.

Immigration Is a Climate Issue

The United States, the top historic contributor to carbon emissions, has been treating climate refugees from its own pollution as threats. We can do better.