Our Work

At IPS, our work is centered in our vision: we believe everyone has a right to thrive on a planet where all communities are equitable, democratic, peaceful, and sustainable. Our intersecting programs and initiatives, led by a diverse group of expert staff and associate fellows, are helping to shape progressive movements toward this vision.

Latest Work

International Solidarity in a Time of Crisis

“I think this moment global pandemic is showing us very clearly that all human life is interrelated, which means that none of us is safe until all of us are safe.”

Why CEO Pay Belongs at the Center of the Coronavirus Bailout Debate

The fact that so many Americans are facing dire circumstances now is a direct result of the exploitation economy and we should take this opportunity to change it.

The Politics of the Coronavirus

For the far right, the pandemic is a chance to enact border controls and erode the rule of law. It could also expose their utter incompetence.

Open the Borders. Open the Prison Gates. Don’t Sacrifice a Single Person to This Virus.

Closed borders and ICE raids mean crowded detention centers and camps, which is always inhumane. In a pandemic, it’s a global public health threat.

We Need a Stimulus that Serves People Over Profit

In the face of another global financial crisis, the coronavirus stimulus is an opportunity to finally reorient our economy to serve people over profits.

Where We’re Looking in Times of Crisis

There are plenty of places you can direct your energies to support people taking an economic hit during the pandemic.

Should Zoom Be a Public Utility?

Online platforms like Zoom and Skype have become basic, public necessities as our lives are upended by the coronavirus. Should they be nationalized?

The Government Needs to Act Now to Save Lives — and Build a More Equal System

Medical care is disproportionately available to the rich. To fix this, we need a massive humanitarian response to the coronavirus by the federal government.

Don’t Use Coronavirus to Bail out Oil and Gas Companies

The fossil-fuel industry’s problems were self-inflicted, and it’s barreling us toward the next crisis.

To Fight This Pandemic, We Need to Take Over the Military’s Resources

Instead of asking the military to take control, the civilian government and public health experts must take over the vast medical resources the military controls and direct them to civilian use.