Our Work

At IPS, our work is centered in our vision: we believe everyone has a right to thrive on a planet where all communities are equitable, democratic, peaceful, and sustainable. Our intersecting programs and initiatives, led by a diverse group of expert staff and associate fellows, are helping to shape progressive movements toward this vision.

Latest Work

Intervene to Save Darfur

For the past two years, the destruction of Darfur has played out before the eyes of the world, and the member countries of the United Nations have remained largely paralyzed.

"Doing Windows" in Iraq

Had Marla Ruzicka not died, she would be busy visiting survivors of the fifty people found dead in the Tigris River.

Explaining Vietnam 30 Years LaterAsian Dominoes or U.S. Dominance?

Thirty years after the last chopper left the Saigon embassy, Americans still don??t know why this country fought in Vietnam.

Ephemeral Ethics

The level of trust in the U.S. military seems to have crashed–big time.

The Dragon & the Chrysanthemum

If you want to understand the antagonism between Beijing and Tokyo, you have to start in Washington and, in particular, Washington State.

After the Debacle and Before the Storm

The unequivocal French rejection of the new European Constitution anticipates the turbulence ahead in much of Europe.

Syria’s Baath Party Congress a Watershed for President Asad

In the run-up to the June 6 Baath Party Congress, Syrian President Bashar al-Asad is torn by competing forces.

Sell the Gold, Free the Poor

When historians look back over the past 25 years, one of the great crimes they will identify is the Third World debt crisis.

Reflections on Vietnam and the Iraq War

This essay is adapted from remarks made at a Capital Hill briefing on Iraq: The Logic of Withdrawal sponsored by the Institute for Policy Studies and Foreign Policy In Focus.

The Me Too Club

Iran and the EU3 (Britain, France, and Germany) essentially agreed to an atomic breathing spell in Geneva on Wednesday, May 25th.