Our Work

At IPS, our work is centered in our vision: we believe everyone has a right to thrive on a planet where all communities are equitable, democratic, peaceful, and sustainable. Our intersecting programs and initiatives, led by a diverse group of expert staff and associate fellows, are helping to shape progressive movements toward this vision.

Latest Work

Bolivia’s Referendum About More Than Gas

President Carlos Mesa won a stunning political victory last month when Bolivian voters overwhelmingly approved a five-point referendum, endorsing his plans to develop Bolivia’s gas reserves.

Toward a U.S. Exit Strategy from Iraq and a Transition to Full Sovereignty

More than a year and a half has passed since the U.S.-led coalition’s invasion of Iraq, and yet little progress has been seen in the daily lives of Iraqi people.

Lebanon No Model for Iraq

Increasingly desperate to find a winning formula in Iraq, Vice President Dick Cheney and other Bush administration officials are promoting Lebanon as a political model for Iraq.

Workers Seek Their Own Voice

Working families in Iraq, already severely stressed by Saddam Hussein’s misrule, wars, and sanctions, have lost more ground in economic terms since the U.S. invasion.

Time for Bush to Walk the Talk

Bush’s nomination acceptance speech was notable, not for what he included but for what he left out–the problems and missteps that have plagued the Bush administration’s foreign policy.

"Crazy Mike" in "Indian Country"

While President Bush told the UN General Assembly that Washington’s belief in “human dignity” was the main U.S. motivation for pursuing the war, two articles that appeared in two major U.S. newspapers the same morning offered the delegates an altogether different subtext.

Expect No Change in Second Term Foreign Policy

If President Bush wins a second term, can the world expect a radically different foreign policy in the Middle East and elsewhere?

Candidates Seeking Multilateral Debt Cancellation for the Poorest Countries

People looking to get excited about American democracy in an election year needn’t look further than the current proposals on poor country debt relief from multilateral institutions being put forward by the presidential campaigns.

When “Scores” Count

September turned out to be a tragic escalation over preceding months in the multinational reach and catastrophic scale of exclusively human violence.

House Republicans and Democrats Unite Linking Iraq with 9/11

On the eve of the third anniversary of 9/11, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a resolution linking Iraq to the al-Qaida attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.