Our Work

At IPS, our work is centered in our vision: we believe everyone has a right to thrive on a planet where all communities are equitable, democratic, peaceful, and sustainable. Our intersecting programs and initiatives, led by a diverse group of expert staff and associate fellows, are helping to shape progressive movements toward this vision.

Latest Work

At War with Syria and Iran: The Neo-Cons May Get Their Wish

Sounding a similar note, the neocons push for war again.

Withdrawal Wins New Political Support

The crisis is mounting in Iraq, and so are congressional calls for a phased withdrawal. But will the politicians act soon enough?

Nobel Women’s Initiative

The Nobel Women’s Initiative is trying to reduce the risk of war with Iran.

The Lebanon War and the Failed UN Resolution

UFPJ Talking Points #44: Passage of the resolution would not lead to a ceasefire, or even a significant reduction in violence.

How the Irish Can Save the Middle East

The Irish saved civilization. Now it’s time for them to help out the Middle East.

Reform or Counterrevolution at the UN?

The glass of UN reform is more than half full, despite the best efforts of the United States and John Bolton.

Islamic Blowback Part Two?

The Bush administration is supporting the reform of Islam from within. But this faith-based approach is undemocratic, ignorant of the complexities of Islam, and ultimately doomed to fail.

Jihad Against Hezbollah

The Bush administration wants to punish the Lebanese for supporting Hezbollah. Who’s next, Syria or Iran?

U.S. Must Broker Mideast Cease-Fire

The United States supplies most of Israel’s weapons, and it bears some responsibility for the escalating violence in Israel and Lebanon. It must now use its influence to call for an immediate cease-fire in the assault that has killed so many innocent civilians.

No Standards, No Accountability

In 1996, the United States designed a law to combat war crimes. That same law has now come back to haunt the Bush administration.