Report: Executive Excess 2019

Report: Executive Excess 2019

Executive Excess 2019:Making Corporations Pay for Big Pay Gaps Sarah Anderson | Sam Pizzigati Introduction: For two full years now, publicly held corporations in the United States have had to comply with a federal mandate to report the gap between their CEO and median...
US Jews on Trump’s Camps: ‘Never again’

US Jews on Trump’s Camps: ‘Never again’

I’m not saying the events of the Holocaust are repeating themselves right now. I’m saying that, as a Jew, I carry with me the memory of what can happen when everyday people allow our leaders to scapegoat an entire community.

Washington Vs. The Squad

Washington Vs. The Squad

Trump’s not the only one terrified of these four congresswomen — leading Democrats apparently are, too.

The Racist History of Tipping

The Racist History of Tipping

This week, the House of Representatives will vote on the Raise the Wage Act, which would boost the minimum wage across the country to $15 an hour by 2024.