New Internationalism

The New Internationalism project works to end wars and militarism, with a focus on U.S. policy.

“New internationalism” refers to a combination of foreign policies based on international law, human rights, and equality for all. Our approach links the power of global social movements — and sometimes progressive governments and the UN — in fighting against wars, sanctions, occupations, and empire.

The project focuses on education, activism, and advocacy to change U.S. policies away from militarism and towards diplomacy. It also works to democratize and empower the United Nations in its fight for peace and human rights.

In all these arenas, the project works with partner organizations who are organizing, mobilizing, and building movements in the U.S. and globally to challenge militarism and support those fighting for justice in the Middle East and beyond.

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Latest Work

Discussion: Egypt Opens Gaza Crossing

New Internationalism director breaks down the how the revolutionary process in Egypt has met its match in the power struggles over the Egypt-Gaza border.

Obama, Israel, and the 1967 Borders

The director of our New Internationalism project commented on President Obama’s Middle East speech urging for a peace process based on the 1967 borders and land swaps.

Obama’s Changes Don’t Match Changes of the Arab Spring

The only foundation that will work is that of international law and human rights. Until then, the Arab Spring will not blossom from the long Palestinian and Israeli winter.

Is Obama with Street Vendors or Elites?

The Real News Network interview: Obama presents neo-liberal reforms for Egypt and support for Israel as a Jewish State

On the Eve of Obama’s Middle East Speech

President Obama has the chance to completely retool U.S. policy in the Middle East in the context of the Arab Spring – but it doesn’t look likely that he will.

UAE: Arming Up With Mercenaries

What possible security risks could have motivated the UAE to hire outside help? Phyllis Bennis comments for Al Jazeera English.

Remarks at the Len Weinglass Memorial

Remembering a friend, teacher, and fighter for justice.

Is Assassination Justice?

Phyllis Bennis: Message sent to Arab world was unilateral power, not justice.

Phyllis Bennis on GRITtv: Listening to the People in the Arab World

New Internationalism Director Phyllis Bennis gives her analysis of the demise of Osama Bin Laden, the need for a stronger International Criminal Court, and the reaction across the Arab Street.

Justice or Vengeance?

In the midst of the Arab Spring, which directly rejects al-Qaeda-style small-group violence in favor of mass-based, society-wide mobilization and non-violent protest to challenge dictatorship and corruption, does the killing of Osama bin Laden represent ultimate justice, or even an end to the “unfinished business” of 9/11?

U.K. Sends Troops into Libya as International Coalition Expands Mission to Include Regime Change

As NATO continues its campaign against Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s forces and to their attacks on Libyan civilians, Great Britain announced today it will send military officers to advise rebels fighters.

Libya’s Opposition Calls For A Ceasefire

Despite potential draw-backs, the rebel call for a ceasefire is the best way to diffuse violence, writer says.

Response to Juan Cole On Libya

With the military intervention underway, our job now is to make sure it does not escalate into full-scale invasion, and to try to end it as soon as possible. And then to work as hard as we can to support the efforts to consolidate and expand the extraordinary accomplishments of the uprisings of the 2011 Arab Spring, in Libya and the rest of the region.

Obama’s Speech on Libya: Leaving Too Many Questions Unanswered

The attention to military engagement in Libya drowns out the call for negotiations, for accountability, and even for a ceasefire.

Attack on Libya May Unleash a Long War

Libyan protesters asked for help, but the military attacks they’re getting may actually create a whole new set of problems that could last a very long time.

Phyllis Bennis Discusses The U.N. Attacks On Libya

In this interview for Brainstromin’ with Bill Frank, Phyllis Bennis discusses the international actions in Libya and how they are essentially an international declaration of war on the Gaddafi regime.

Libya Intervention Threatens The Arab Spring

Despite its official UN-granted legality, the credibility of Western military action in Libya is rapidly dwindling.

The Story Behind the Intervention in Libya

Phyllis Bennis tells GRITtv the story behind the intervention in Libya, who the players are, why this matters, and whether we’re in this one too for the long haul.

No-Fly Zone Enacted as U.S. and Allied Forces Launch Air Strikes on Libya Amid Growing Concerns for Civilian Safety

U.S. and allied forces have launched a second wave of air strikes on Libya to enforce a no-fly zone.

UN Declares War on Libya

UN resolution goes far beyond no-fly zone to allow all necessary measures against Qaddafi.