is the premiere portal for the public at large, journalists, teachers, students, academics, activists and any others seeking information and analysis on wealth and income inequality. Here, we collect the latest developments on inequality in the United States and keep readers abreast of relevant information concerning the widening wealth gap. We highlight stories from activists on the front lines of the fight for economic justice, and share information that can be used for ongoing campaigns.

Our content is created by our team of contributors, each with unique expertise and analysis that we combine to form a comprehensive picture of contemporary inequality.  Ultimately, our mission is to create and curate high-quality research and information, along with compelling stories, with the goal of ending economic inequality in the U.S. and abroad.

Latest Work

Global Climate Talks Spark Action Against Investment Treaties Favoring Fossil Fuel Corporations Over People and Planet

Climate activists are demanding total elimination of the anti-democratic investor-state dispute settlement system.

Inequality-Fighting Ballot Initiatives Win Big

Voters approved proposals to tax the rich, build worker power, and make housing and education more affordable.

Rebekah Entralgo Fernandez on MeansTV on Ballot Initiatives on Election Night

Rebekah Entralgo Fernandez speaks with MeansTV about key ballot initiatives during election night coverage.

Why Do Billionaires So Love Owning Newspapers?

You never know when an editorial can come in handy. Just ask Jeff Bezos.

What’s driving the gap between the richest and poorest Americans

Yahoo Finance quoted Sarah Anderson on CEO pay and Chuck Collins on billionaire wealth and cited IPS findings as part of examining income inequality.

What Threatens Florida More, Hurricanes or the Rich?

Politicians in the Sunshine State would rather keep taxes on the wealthy low than average families safe.

Italy’s Far Right Rode Inequality to Victory — But Has No Answers for It

A let-the-rich-be government has opened the doors to the smiling heirs of Italy’s neofascist factions.

A Voice at the United Nations the World Needs to Hear

The UN’s secretary-general is speaking truth – about inequality — to our world’s leaders.

Can’t Beat the Heat? Blame Inequality

Why poor neighborhoods are often hotter than rich neighborhoods — and what to do about it.

The First Billionaire To Become UK’s King

We expected Charles to get the crown. We didn’t expect him to make a billion-dollar fortune first.

Making Earth the Shareholder

Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard, a reluctant billionaire, puts company in trust devoted to address ecological crisis.

Not Playing Around: Video Game Testers Aim to Unionize

The unionization trend in the video game industry continues with workers at an Activision Blizzard King studio.

Rep. Jamie Raskin on Chile’s Proposed New, More Equitable and Democratic Constitution

The Maryland Democrat draws from his constitutional scholarship in analyzing the proposal that will be on the September 4 ballot in Chile.

Want More Teachers? Start Valuing Education

Too many lawmakers are happy to dole out subsidies for the rich and corporations while resisting pay increases for educators.

Biden’s Debt Cancellation Plan Is a Step Forward on the Racial Wealth Divide

Black students have had to take out larger loans and faced greater difficulty paying them back than other borrowers.

The Huge Pay Gaps at Low-Wage Federal Contractors

New federal contracting standards could incentivize corporations to narrow the economic divides that undermine employee morale and business effectiveness.

Dismantling the Lucky Sperm Club, One Baby Bond Program at a Time

Cities and states are experimenting with trust fund accounts to narrow the racial wealth divide.

Congress Takes Historic Step to Tax Stock Buybacks

This provision of the Inflation Reduction Act will discourage corporations from siphoning resources from worker wages and productive investments for share repurchases that inflate CEO pay.

Baseball Immortality Meets Ungodly Inequality

Superstar Juan Soto gets a new team. His fans get heartbreak. His owners get richer.