Archive: Statements

IPS on the CEO Pay Caps

We applaud efforts to cap bailout pay, but are concerned about reports of weak Treasury rules.

Arts Stimulus Plan

Here’s a detailed call for the stimulus plan to include a program that will support artists and writers.

Towards a Global Climate Fund

Over 160 citizen groups call for the establishment of a major new Global Climate Fund.

Towards an Economic System that Works for People and the Planet

A civil society statement on the G20 summit from IPS Director John Cavanagh and coalition members.

IPS Statement on the Congressional Bailout of Wall Street

Congress needs to address the bailout’s unfinished agenda and fix our broken financial system.

Foreign Policy In Focus Response to Terrorism Sign-on Statement

Unleashing vengeance through overwhelming U.S. firepower will prove an ineffective and counterproductive response to this new scourge of international terrorism.

FPIF Statement on the War

During the past two years our government has taken us resolutely on a march in the opposite direction.

Lawyers Statement on UN Resolution 1441 on Iraq

The UN Security Council has been unwilling to authorize the U.S. attack on Iraq–which makes it illegal under international law.