The Technology Gap in the Climate Debate

Solar technologies.Solar energy technologies will require enormous advances to make a dent in emissions of greenhouse gases, many experts say. Pictured is Acciona’s Nevada Solar One. (Isaac Brekken for The New York Times)

A commentary in this week’s issue of the journal Nature adds to the chorus of economists, climate scientists and experts in energy policy saying that the major approaches to combating global warming are deeply flawed.

New talks over reviving the first climate treaty, the 1992 framework convention, and the Kyoto Protocol – a 1997 addendum that doesn’t constrain the world’s biggest gas emitters, the United States and China — remain focused on committing countries to limits on emissions, but not on advancing the technology needed to meet those limits, these critics say.

The Bush administration’s parallel climate discussions with the world’s “major economies” aim to nail down long-term “aspirational” goals for gas curbs and improve and disseminate clean energy technology. But the critics, including Jeffrey Sachs, the Columbia University economist, United Nations adviser and head of the school’s Earth Institute, complain that money is not there to back up the rhetoric.

The report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change last year on options for mitigating emissions concluded that stabilization of greenhouse gases could be accomplished with known technologies, but the new paper contends that the panel’s assumptions about technological innovation made a daunting challenge look far more doable than it really is.

“There is no question about whether technological innovation is necessary — it is,” the authors of the Nature paper said. “The question is, to what degree should policy focus directly on motivating such innovation? The I.P.C.C. plays a risky game in assuming that spontaneous advances in technological innovation will carry most of the burden of achieving future emissions reductions, rather than focusing on creating the conditions for such innovations to occur.”

The Nature commentary is by Roger A. Pielke, Jr., a political scientist at the University of Colorado, Tom Wigley, a climatologist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, and Christopher Green, an economist at McGill University.

I’ll be writing more on this for The Times in a few days. But I wanted to start a discussion here about the relative importance of forging legislation to cap and trade carbon, negotiating international agreements, or pursuing an energy-technology quest as a way of attacking the many energy-related issues confronting the planet in the next few decades, including climate.

A few perspectives have come in already. Dr. Sachs at Columbia made his position clear in a Scientific American commentary on energy and climate policy.

An excerpt:

Technology policy lies at the core of the climate change challenge. Even with a cutback in wasteful energy spending, our current technologies cannot support both a decline in carbon dioxide emissions and an expanding global economy. If we try to restrain emissions without a fundamentally new set of technologies, we will end up stifling economic growth, including the development prospects for billions of people.

Economists often talk as though putting a price on carbon emissions through tradable permits or a carbon tax will be enough to deliver the needed reductions in those emissions. This is not true.

A bit more from Dr. Sachs:

[W]e will need much more than a price on carbon. Consider three potentially transformative low-emissions technologies: carbon capture and sequestration (CCS), plug-in hybrid automobiles and concentrated solar-thermal electricity generation. Each will require a combination of factors to succeed: more applied scientific research, important regulatory changes, appropriate infrastructure, public acceptance and early high-cost investments. A failure on one or more of these points could kill the technologies.

Adil Najam, a professor of public policy at Boston University and a lead author of the I.P.C.C. report on policy options, defended the panel’s conclusions in an email, saying they “did not paint too rosy a picture” and also did not conflict with the views of Dr. Sachs or the commentary authors.

My view is that we are saying that you CAN do a tremendous lot with what available technology… Enough to make a real difference. It is true that this will not be enough to lick the problem, but it will be a very significant and probably necessary difference. Let us not make the perfect the enemy of the good here. The need to make a real technology shift is very real. But let that not be an excuse not to do what we already can with existing technologies… Especially because doing the latter WILL make a difference.”

My worry about the some of these arguments is that they are still looking only for technology fixes … These will be necessary, but not sufficient. Ultimately it WILL require lifestyle changes too. Not just WHAT we drive but how far we drive. Not just what appliances are in our house but WHERE our house is. That, I think, is an even bigger challenge than technology.

I’d love to have some input here from people working in the arena of climate and energy economics and policy, as well as other Dot Earth readers, ideally pointing to studies or examples illustrating the relative merit of markets, science, and personal behavior.

Nature’s news section has a great roundup of voices on the climate-energy technology question.

I’ll post one example here pointing to the size of the challenge: The World Bank, India, and India’s giant Tata Group — which owns both coal-burning utilities and the car company that launched the $2,500 Nano sedan recently — are poised to begin investing in and building a suite of five 800-megawatt coal-burning power plants in the Indian state of Gujarat.

Even as the United States sees individual battles over siting new coal-burning plants, India and China are building them as fast as they can raise the money and find the cement and steel.

Environmental and globalization campaigners are not happy about this. Here is a summary of the issues surrounding the planned Indian power complex, by Daphne Wysham and Shakuntala Makhijani of the Institute for Policy Studies.

Comments are no longer being accepted.

Technology available to address the reduction of individual carbon contributions to the atmosphere all cost money whether it is replacing inefficient windows, lighting, insulation in the home or workplace, apartment building or government buildings. That capital demand can likely be paid back in a relatively short time but that is not the real issue.

Availability of capital and credit in this cash-strapped US and creeping global economic downturn means fewer investments in what will save money in the long run but unaffordable in the short run.

US mortage holders are about $11 trillion in debt; add our credit card debt: another $2.9 trillion; home equity line of credit: something approaching $3 trillion; US federal debt: nearing $10 trillion; corporate debt: ?????????

It is important to focus on the technology side of the solution but, please, don’t any one approach this topic as if reading from a menu. Check your credit rating and see how much you can afford to do that will match the task: one Dr. Hoeffert rightly projects as a “Manhattan Project”.

I am coming to the conclusion that the US government (all of us taxpayers) are going to have to own a large chunk of the US energy production economy to assure that the investments are made in low-no carbon energy sources and adaptation to what is already beginning to impact our economy and way of life as the earth warms.

Time for truth telling: customers are pulling back from the check out line and investments in energy efficiency will not be any easier to fit into overstretched family budgets.

But, when the gov-bailout check comes in later this year, get to WalMart at 7:00am because parking will be limited. China will be smiling.

John McCormick

New coal plants bury ‘Kyoto’


Standard of living is directly correlated to energy consumption.

Net energy analysis makes it clear that no combination of renewable energy sources will be able to replace our prodigious fossil fuel consumption.

People will not voluntarily reduce their standard of living, as evidenced by the overwhelming emphasis in the current debate on finding “alternatives” that will presumably allow us to continue our current lifestyles.

The current debate will soon be rendered moot as global energy supplies enter a new phase of terminal decline and take the industrialized worlds grossly disproportionate levels of affluence down with them.

This will occur against a backdrop of poorer countries being priced out of the energy market altogether (as is already happening in many parts of the world), and of desperate attempts by richer countries to maintain energy supplies at any cost, most likely from much lower quality sources such as coal, heavy oil and tar sands (again, this is already happening).

These lower quality sources will greatly accelerate the accumulation of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, as indicated by the article referenced above.

This greatly increases the probability that many future generations to come will live in an impoverished and wasted world, starting with the children being born today.


Colin Beavan aka No Impact Man April 2, 2008 · 2:07 pm

Andy, you asked about the relative merits of science, markets and personal behavior, but you left out infrastructure and material systems change. For example, “smart growth” land-use policies that would have us living closer together in villages, interconnected by public transportation, instead of sprawled out in suburbs that are entirely dependent on automobiles. This would make both for happier communities and less driving.

Similarly, since only 1% of of our products are still in use six months after they are purchased, wouldn’t redesign of the products to last a radical 12 whole months essentially halve the energy and materials used by industry? During World War II, for example, industry was required to ensure that durable goods lasted at least three years.

These important systems and infrastructure-type measures are often completely overlooked, but could both potentially make us more energy and material efficient and happier.

The problem with such changes, of course, is garnering the political will that would be required to overcome entrenched interests. And that might be harder to achieve than finding a technology to capture energy from passing asteroids!

All the best,
Colin Beavan aka No Impact Man

Carbon capture and storage has never been demonstrated in a power plant! These solar facilities are only 50-60 MW while coal plants are 800 MW!

All the focus on India while China adds a 600 MW coal plant every DAY. These people are very poor, it’s very cruel to discriminate against them while we waste so much energy and don’t even try to ratify Kyoto or make a dent in our greenhouse emissions by nuclear plant construction.

Dr.James A, Singmaster April 2, 2008 · 2:27 pm

Mr. Revkin and any readers: Please check my comment #14 under the Al Gore ad campaign foolishness for just cutting emissions. To get control of global warming, we have to cut back the 35% and growing overload of GHGs, mainly carbon dioxide on the globe. We also have a massive and rapidly expanding crisis in organic wastes. In that comment, the process of pyrolyzing those wastes is outlined to reduce some useless reemission of carbon dioxide occurring as those wastes biodegrade, and stopping the pollution of water from the dumping of those wastes containing germs, toxics and drugs. Again just cutting emissions does nothing to reduce the overload causing GW problems now.
Dr. J. Singmaster

One thing to consider is that the development of new technology is somewhat dependent on the availability of energy and the wealth required to fund the investments and research. Bangladesh is not going to lead the way. If we kill our economy, we will not fare much better.

As Dr. Sachs said, carbon taxes and cap and trade is not likely to result in a reduction of CO2 emissions. I believe them to be counterproductive.

We need to pass laws and regulations that make it easier to install renewable energy generation and make it harder for environmental and NIMBY activists to halt or delay development. They are doing this with sunpower in the Mojave and with wind farms off Cape Cod. We should also be building nuclear and using current technology to reduce carbon emissions.


I don’t believe Roger Pielke is a political scientist, unless you mean he is a scientist who happens to be political. This from the U of Colorado’s website:
Roger A. Pielke, Jr. has been on the faculty of the University of Colorado since 2001 and is a Professor in the Environmental Studies Program and a Fellow of the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES). At CIRES, Roger served as the Director of the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research from 2001-2007. Roger’s current areas of interest include understanding the policy and politics of science in decision making in a range of areas. In 2006 Roger received the Eduard Brückner Prize in Munich, Germany for outstanding achievement in interdisciplinary climate research. Before joining the University of Colorado, from 1993-2001 Roger was a Scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research.

The year 1992 is already 16 years ago. For plenty of years before that there was a general awareness of enormous environmental problems, at least among us old hippies of the past who were watching the Brazilian Rainforests burn and who had come out of a time that generated enormous amount of river pollution and super-fund sites in the USA.
Presently we are still being ruled buy the auto and oil companies. Yesterday there was a congressional hearing about the enormous profits and the democrats scorned them and the republicans were conciliatory talking about further expansion.
3500 years ago Loa Tzu said that the greedy cause ecological problems. He is still, if not more then correct today.
A humble spirit and a generous and honest conscious are at the center of the real possibility of extricating ourselves from the potential of doom that lingers. Since that potential is not a sure thing it seems possible to continue on with the mischief that has the filthy rich and powerful playing games with the real values of life. It’s more then disturbing. It is a deadly sin and theft.
The good old USA has generated thousands of super fund sites, has vast slums, and a huge carbon footprint and more traffic then anywhere else in the world. Now it has foxes guarding the henhouses in the energy domain and the environmental standards and in improvements. It is relegated to people with conflicts of interests that are grotesquely intertwined with denial of real improvements for the sake of profits.
The science of the sociology and politics is as pathologically defunct as the moral conscious that must make a stand and shove the inane factions aside and have them cooperate with the process.
Maybe that’s a little too harsh!

I think this is an interesting topic. I agree that the climate problem cannot be solved by technological fixes alone. We need to bring developing nations such as India and China into a new paradigm of considering the global impact of rapid development.

Mr. Najam’s comment (IPCC)is important – fully addressing the problem of climate change will involve more than technology, but lifestyle. How and where we live and work, travel and live life will have to change if this issue is to be addressed effectively.

We will need new definitions of success in life; new aspirations to strive for. Certainly I understand that people in all nations wish to have their own car or cars. However, I doubt that even a new technology will allow everyone on planet earth to reproduce the American lifestyle; and that the American lifestyle will have to adjust, one way or another to the reality of a world with a new climate.

Scientifically illiterate writers and politicians have taken over what was a debate among scientists about the effect of CO2 levels on earth’s temperature. I suggest that you start reading both sides of the debate: //

The IGCC is correct in its technological optimism. Technology adoption reliably results in a reduction in technology cost; every doubling of installed capacity tends to reduce the cost by a more-or-less fixed percentage. The newer and less widespread the technology the faster this happens–a doubling in installed solar capacity can happen easily and quickly, but with, say, coal that’s an expensive proposition.

However, to give Dr. Sachs his due, the right regulatory and incentive framework has to be in place. Solar photovoltaics require massive subsidies for now; solar thermal needs permission to build in Southwestern deserts, and rights of way to build the necessary transmission lines to population centers (very few people live in Death Valley). My own researh shows that predicting the relative costs (and hence the necessary subsidies or other incentives needed) of different energy technologies is very complex and depends on future fossil fuel prices, rates of technological change, and the cost of carbon (through allowance trading or a carbon tax).

In conclusion, I believe both sides are right. We should be optimistic on the technology front, but make sure the regulatory framework (including well-thought-out subsidies, unlike, say, the ones for corn ethanol) at least does not get in the way. Finally, government support for R&D has a very mixed record, which means that we should be cautious and limit it mostly on basic science.

Let’s be realistic. The developed world might, maybe, reduce its carbon emissions by 10–20% over the next decades, if strict cap and trade, tax, etc. measures are put into place (at present, for all the talk, these stand no chance of enactment). Anything more than that would require giving up automobiles in everyday life and heating our houses with nuclear electricity (or nuclear electric-powered heat pumps). How many people are willing to do that? All the “alternative” energy sources are subsidy scams that won’t make a dent.

The developing world is increasing its carbon emissions by that much every few years. That’s not going to change. Who is going to persuade China not to build a coal-fired power plant every week, as it is now doing, and how?

If global warming is anthropogenic (likely, but not proven) it will increase. We will have to adapt to it.

Once again we see the “jump-on-the-bandwagon” “scientists” claiming that global warming is man-caused and can be mitigated. What they ignore in their “models” is that there is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere because the atmoshpere is warming, not the other way around.

The current level of 400ppm is the lowest in millenia; likewise, the current average global temperature is as low as it has been. We are leaving the most recent ice age, naturally, it’s getting warmer. The key word is “naturally”.

Current lifestyle in our society has created an economy dependent on the purchase of excess. Things like an electric night light filled with water that spins myriad small colorful beads in a hydrolic vortex; a tornado light. We have chosen excess over quality of life and the pursuit of knowledge. I hate to think about the kind of event that will force enough change to how the economy is driven that it will make a measurable difference.

There was an excellent overview of available technology solutions and blue-sky concepts published in Science 298,1, November 2002, pp 981, by Hoffert et al. The conclusions in that article remain accurate today. The summary starts “Stabilizing the carbon dioxide-induced component of climate change is an energy problem.”
“All of these approaches currently have severe deficiencies that limit their ability to stabilize global climate.”
The ability to stabilize global climate by controlling greenhouse gas emissions has not yet been demonstrated, only hypothesized. However, the technologies considered in the article have realistic projections associated with them.

China and India are definitely problematic, but perhaps we (the US) can lead the way.

My 25 year roof only lasted 12 years because it was sapped by sun exposure. I’m convinced that solar panels would make my house carbon neutral, especially if I have a pluggable hybrid (which I would need to drive about 40 miles per day).

Lifestyle change is required. I’d have to plug my car in when I got home in the afternoon. We all might have to drive smaller cars. We might need to turn off some lights that we don’t need on 24/7. (Have you seen the pictures of last weeks 60 Minute Switch Off?)

If every building with a feasible roof had full solar panels — how much energy would they produce? Even though some communities might be under cloud cover or shorter days, as a whole, I’ve got to believe it would make an impact. This is off the shelf technology (even Hybrid Plug-Ins). It just needs incentives to make it more economical for people to make the transition.

Let’s get off the ethanol kick. As Time Magazine points out, it’s not the answer.

The commentators are exactly correct, President Bush and his energy ideals are a facade that covers up inaction. Bush is a fraud and his ways of motivation will never, ever, work. There needs to be incentive to discover new technology, cut back on waste and think about what you are doing. The first thing necessary is to start putting significant amounts of money into energy research. The paltry sum we spend now is not enough to entice engineers into the field. If we would remove ourselves from this war, we could take half of what we spend in one week, 6 million dollars, and put it towards solar research and algae biofuel advancement. These two technologies are most appropriate since they have little ecological impact AND can be placed in non developable lands like desert.

The second initiative is to take outside money and subsidize solar panels for housing. The panels over their lifetime will pay for themselves but the startup costs are usually too huge for many home owners. To remedy this we need more money going towards making it easier to purchase these things. In many cases, solar panels can also charge batteries that will store energy for the night.

Finally, if we can produce enough electricity from renewables, we can effectively transition to hybrid-electric cars that don’t even touch gas for the first 40 miles of a trip. This can all be achieved using existing technology if it were cheap enough.

The basic point of the Nature paper is correct, that the new power generation technologies are not quite there yet. The related issues raised- funding, public opinion, more research, regulatory challenges, etc.- are trivial by comparison. Venture capital is throwing oceans of money to development of solar, and utilities and the public (at least here in California) are bending over backwards. Sachs got that part wrong.

The last I heard, solar costs $.18-20 per kwh. Coal is around $.11, though utilities in California are resisting new coal contracts, especially PG&E, as a hedge against future carbon charges. State and Federal subsidies bring solar down to about $.12.

This is not a big difference, even without the subsidies, and is far from insurmountable. The cost gap is very likely to be narrowed in the next few years as better designs and materials emerge from all of the exciting research now taking place. If existing subsidies for coal are removed and the resulting pollution and CO2 burdens are charged, solar may not even need a subsidy. This charge for coal would be based on real world analysis, too.

India is building coal plants because for them the marginal current premium for solar is huge in their economy. Anyone who has been to India or done business there will understand why this is the case.

Regarding Najam’s comment about the location (and he probably meant size as well) of housing being more important than the technologies, hold on a minute. Shifting from sprawl and long commutes to sensible urban design is going to be a long and gradual process. In the meantime, all of our municipal and land use habits and incentives reward suburban sprawl. Besides, Americans have proved stubborn in demanding lawns and privacy, and new towns to the contrary are mostly in architectural magazines or already overcrowded urban areas. I would personally love to see smaller houses on smaller lots (and have built hundreds of them myself), but the current market does not support a lot of them. The public still wants excesses like enormous family rooms and his and her offices.

Reducing the use of heavy concrete foundations, wood framing, and inefficient floor plans can have a huge and immediate impact. Najam may not know the data on that. If he (or other DE readers) want to know more about it, send me an email to and I will provide them with the information they need. I have posted the link to my article previously, but don’t want to seem to be too much of a tout.

FYI, I am a builder/developer, with a research and writing background as well.

Well, one thing we can do is attempt to raise the carbon levels in the atmosphere. That will allow plantlife to be more productive thus helping to feed the coming masses.

No matter which path or combination of paths we choose, without the national will to reverse our emissions trends as quickly as possible none of them will be lead us out of trouble in time.

At least America has the comprehensive national mobilization of World War II to look back on as an example of what the popular will can achieve.

We know what the American populace was able to do then. We can compare it to the lackadaisical political attitude today. In both cases, a dire and potentially fatal risk is identified. In one, we acted with determination.

Delay and apathy make even that level of agreement and commitment shrink in its ability to reverse the climate trends.

We have far too many so-called experts displaying the all too common fixation on maitaining the auto based lifestyle.

We need to get people out of their cars. We need to create mixed-use, dense cities where most of life’s needs are close by. These cities will rely on walking, transit and bicyling.

There is no way to “fix” the car.

Joe Romm ( April 2, 2008 · 3:41 pm

The Pielke et al. piece is easily the worst climate article I’ve ever seen published in Nature. I debunk it entirely here:

The second quote from Sachs utterly disproves his first quote. He says: “If we try to restrain emissions without a fundamentally new set of technologies.” He doesn’t realize that this quote is usually made be the global warming deniers/delayers who don’t want to take action. In any case, his second quote talks about plug in hybrids and solar thermal electric. That is NOT a fundamentally new set of technologies.” The latter is commercial now (and has been in use for decades) and plug ins exist today and will be commercial in 3 to 5 years. They aren’t fundamentally new.

Yes, this is an incredibly hard problem. But catastrophe can ONLY be averted with existing technology (yes, we could use some new technologies post-2030). See

A fraud is a fraud and a farce is a farce. Both the problem (Global warming) and the solution IPCC are both way out in left field. I got a idea why dont you just fix the numbers on any given solution, maybe make a movie or two. This seems to have worked so far so stick to the plan. You have painted yourselves into a corner (even if your intentions are good)and us free thinking people will NOT let you off the hook. With respect to all liberals and leftists please give your heads a collective shake because the only point of no return is political and its 100% yours.

” Ultimately it WILL require lifestyle changes too. ”

Gosh. Really?


This seems a little off topic, but I want to tell you about the way the demand for energy alternatives has effected local markets are is changing the local economy. Our local farmers’ market (Brattleboro, Vermont) will be offering rabbit and pheasant as well as the more traditional chicken and turkey this year because people want more local meat. This demand has led to pressure to establish a local slaughterhouse so farmers can avoid the cost of transporting cattle, sheep, and pigs to distant processing centers. The point is the local market is driving changes in the availability and affordability of local protein and in reducing the amount of energy used to produce it. Hope that helps.