
Israel: A Failing Experiment

Today, Israel must choose between continuing an illegal occupation and preserving the self-defined nature of the State of Israel itself.

Has Israeli Occupation Become Legal in the 21st Century?

This past eight months of bloodletting between Israelis and Palestinians is no more than an additional, exhausting chapter in a decades old conflict.

The New Lexicon

Israel has no choice but to end the brutal occupation and subjugation of the Palestinian people. Not to do so clearly spells the beginning of the end of the State of Israel as it is known today, and will lead to the creation of a fanatical pariah state bu

Israel’s Jordan is Palestine Option

Rather than continuing to dream of a Palestine with no Palestinians, General Sharon should be having nightmares, for himself and his people, thinking about the vengeance brewing in the hearts of those who have been made homeless or have lost their mothers

Thank You Mr. Sharon

Mr. Sharon has returned the Palestinian society to a culture of resistance. Soon, he will move the international community to a new culture of responsibility toward protecting Palestinian civilians and realizing a negotiated solution to the conflict based