Russ Wellen holds down the “Nukes and Other WMD’s” desk at the Faster Times, and writes “The Deproliferator” for Scholars & Rogues and other blogs. He is an advisor to the Madrona Institute and co-moderates Terralist.


How Do Buddhist Attacks on Muslims Help Burma’s Government?

Cognitive dissonance aside, Buddhists — including monks — take up arms against Muslims in Burma while the government stands by.

Emphasis Added: The Foreign Policy Week in Pieces (3/22)

An Argentinian fatwa, a blustering Saddam Hussein.

Did the College of Cardinals Foresee the Dirty War Controversy?

Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s election to the papacy further tarnishes the position — and the Church.

The Pedigree of the “Horsewich”

How did Europe wind up eating horsemeat?

Emphasis Added: The Foreign Policy Week in Pieces (3/8/13)

Nuke “option” in response to a cyberattack, the UN Temperance League.

Ability of Nuclear Deterrence to Defuse Crises Exaggerated

During the Cold War, nuclear deterrence failed to thwart crises, which were subsequently solved with good, old politics.

Nuclear Weapons Have Outlived Their Usefulness — if They Ever Had Any

Historian Ward Wilson pokes holes in the mythology of nuclear weapons.

Emphasis Added: The Foreign Policy Week in Pieces

DC credibility, Netanyahu’s red line, and shame about nuclear disarmament.

Latest Smoking Gun on Iran’s Nuclear Program Just Another Misfire

Yousaf Butt lays waste to the magnetic-ring-sign-of-Iran-nuclear-expansion theory.

Emphasis Added: The Foreign Policy Week in Fragments

The United States military is its own worst enemy, “witch” burning, healthcare overseas, and other assorted errata.

Iran’s Weak Emergency Infrastructure Would Only Compound Effects of an Attack

Why are states allowed to implement nuclear energy without a sufficient emergency preparedness program?

The U.S. Would Face a Harsh Choice — and Economic Loss — in War Between China and Japan

The U.S. government may be legally obligated to defend Japan.

Did John Brennan’s End Run Lead to the Death of Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi?

Who would you believe: JSOC operatives past and present or the U.S. government?

John Keegan: Soldiers and Pacifists Share the Same Qualities

When John Keegan died last year, the world lost a groundbreaking military historian.

Torture Covers a Multitude of Sins

New revelations about the U.S. torture regime require new responses.

How Our Obsession With Iran Increases Chances of Nuclear War With Russia

Missile defense cuts off the nose to spite the face.

Egyptian Protesters Eat Their Own

Two years after the Lara Logan assault, women continue to be attacked at protests in Tahrir Square.

Non-nuclear Weapons States Forget How Much Power the NPT Affords Them

Non-nuclear weapons states forget that the nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty exists at their pleasure.

Drones on Their Own at Home and Abroad

Drones are becoming increasingly ubiquitous, not to mention — however artificially — intelligent.