Paul Mutter is a contributor to the Arabist, Foreign Policy in Focus, and Mondoweiss.


New IDF Chief Makes No Bones About His Intention to Over-react to Palestinian Demonstrations

The new Israel Defense Force chief promises “full force” response to future Palestinian demonstrations.

The War Against Al Jazeera and Sami al-Hajj

Sami al-Hajj, an Al Jazeera cameraman held at Guantanamo Bay for six years, was detained because of his “intelligence value” rather than any alleged wrongdoing.

By Targeting Palestinian Civilians Israel Only Strengthens Influence of Islamist Ideologues

For Israeli and Islamist extremists, the violence can only end with one people, on one land, with no coexistence.

Bin Laden’s Killing Used to Rationalize Guantanamo Detention

The plight of Guantanamo detainees is in jeopardy of being eclipsed and rationalized by Osama bin Laden’s death.

Postcard from…Libya

What goes around comes around with arms exports, as the war in Libya demonstrates.