Miriam Pemberton is an Associate Fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies. Formerly she directed its Peace Economy Transitions Project, focusing on helping to build the foundations of a postwar economy at the federal, state and local levels.

With Lawrence Korb, she headed the annual Task Force on “A Unified Security Budget for the United States,” which examined the balance of spending on military and non-military security tools and argued for a rebalanced security budget. She also headed a team that produced three “Military vs. Climate Security” reports comparing federal spending on the two security domains, and arguing for a shift of security resources toward mitigating climate change.

With William Hartung, now of the Quincy Institute, she co-edited Lessons from Iraq: Avoiding the Next War (Paradigm Publishers, 2008).

As an Associate Fellow, she has published Six Stops on the National Security Tour: Rethinking Warfare Economies (Routledge, 2022). It provides an overview of the Military Industrial Complex and its means of perpetuating itself. And through portraits of six military-dependent communities across the U.S. it demonstrates how redirecting our militarized foreign and industrial policy toward climate security can help communities like these become part of the solution to the climate crisis.

She holds a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan.



Obama’s New Military Strategy Doesn’t Add Up

What happened to the idea of saving money?

Military Spending is the Weakest Job Creator

A study commissioned by the largest defense industry trade association says that military spending creates jobs. The facts, however, indicate otherwise.

Sequestering Military Spending

Even if sequestration cuts across all military programs, this sort of ham-handed approach is safely doable.

America Is Not Broke

How to pay for the crisis while making the country more equitable, green, and secure.

House Armed Services Committee Hearing Misleading on Doomsday Projections

Hearing on military spending, jobs, and the economy leaves out one side of the story, say experts.

Remembering Claudette Munson

Among the leaders of a movement to turn the end of the Cold War into economic opportunity was a mother of four in St. Paul, Minnesota, who had spent 14 years soldering circuit boards for nuclear submarines. Claudette Munson died of cancer on July 25.

Will Panetta Help the State Department?

It is official U.S. doctrine that defense, diplomacy and development are co-equal contributors to our security.

New Report Outlines Bold Changes to the Security Budget, as Gates Makes Way for Panetta

As President Obama asks Republicans to cut “sacred cows” from the budget and make security budget cuts, report discusses ways to shift our security resources.

Report of the Task Force on a Unified Security Budget for the United States

With military cuts now on the negotiating table, here’s a set of expert recommendations on what to cut and yet keep us safe and secure.

85 Percent? How Do You Figure, Mr. Ryan?

After promising his budget proposal would stick closely to the bipartisan deficit reduction commission’s recommendations, his actual blueprint looks like a work of ideological posture of his own creation.

A Military Budget on the Wrong Side of History

We should support the Egyptian miracle by cutting military aid and shifting it to support what will actually help Egyptians improve their standard of living.

Two Big Errors Plague Budget Reporting

President Obama’s proposed budget offers no real cuts to the Pentagon, and further spreads the divide between Defense and State Departments spending.

The Breakdown: In an Age of Austerity, Can’t the US Cut the Military Budget?

The US maintains the most expansive and expensive military on the planet. More than half of the annual budget goes towards “defense.” But in the ongoing debates about the appropriate austerity measures to take, cuts to military spending have been insufficiently prioritized.

Military Spending Cuts: Depends on what the Meaning of ‘On the Table’ Is

Let’s define budget cuts as spending less next year than this year. Nothing else should qualify.

Honoring a Prophet of Empire

In the last year of Chalmers Johnson’s life, the deficit hawks’ bluff got called.

Spend More on the Climate, Less on the Military

The U.S. military is beginning to see climate change as a security threat, but the government isn’t making it a high enough priority.

Military Spending Takes its Place at the Table

The military spending cuts proposed by the Deficit Reduction Commission is both good and bad for a truly sustainable defense budget.

Military vs. Climate Security: The 2011 Budgets Compared

The gap between federal spending on military as opposed to climate security has narrowed but compared to China our progress is meager.

Military vs. Climate Security: The 2011 Budgets Compared

The gap between federal spending on military as opposed to climate security has narrowed but compared to China our progress is meager.

More Jobs, Less War

We should cut the military budget and use that money to fund our transition to a greener economy.