John Gershman is a Clinical Associate Professor of Public Service, Associate Director of NYU’s Global MPH Program, and Director of Undergraduate Programs at Wagner. Previously he was the Director of the Global Affairs Program at the International Relations Center and the Co-Director of Foreign Policy In Focus.


Desert Faux: The Sahara’s Mirage of Terrorism

The “war on terror” disguises military aid that is more likely to be used against domestic political opponents.

The Economics of Outsourcing: How Should Policy Respond?

Outlines a policy agenda to effectively address the challenge posed by global outsourcing and calls for creative institutional arrangements to shape the nature of competition.

Reclaiming the City on the Hill

If the budget represents, in Joseph Schumpeter’s phrase, “the skeleton of the state stripped of all misleading ideologies” then the Bush administration’s current budget reflects the interests of those who would trample on the public-spirited vision of Puritan John Winthrop’s image of the “city on a hill.”

An Open Letter to my Danish Friends

An apology to the Danes.

Too Little Too Late: The Supreme Court as a Check on Executive Power

Many citizens look back over the 20th century and see the Supreme Court championing individual freedoms and standing in the way of government abuse of power. But this is not the case in many issues involving foreign policy, an issue raised when Samuel Alito was appointed to the Supreme Court. It’s Congress, not the courts, that needs to step up to exert its Constitutionally-mandated role of checking executive power.

Tao, Bush, and the Nature of Things

It is customary early in the New Year to recommend good books to read. And the “Tao Te Ching” should be at the top of President Bush’s list. Careening from crisis to crisis with approval ratings drooping, the president should consider the opening lines of chapter 80. “If a country is governed wisely, its inhabitants will be content.”

The Hamas Victory: Another Side to the Story

Lost amidst the predictably negative reaction to the victory by Hamas in the Palestinian parliamentary elections is the crucial role that the U.S. government had in bringing the radical Islamist group to power.

Nuclear Proliferation: A Gathering Storm

Iran is not the only major challenge to the NPT regime.

How the World Can Help Americans Halt Bush Administration War Crimes

On May 17 a legal summons on behalf of the World Tribunal on Iraq (WTI) requested the attendance of President Bush and Prime Minister Blair to defend charges that they are in “violation of common values of humanity, international treaties, and international law” for waging war in Iraq.

A Mis-statement of the Union Address

A critical evaluation of President Bush’s State of the Union address highlights inconsistencies and contradictions in the Bush administration’s foreign policy.

Lessons in Post Conflict Reconstruction from the New Afghanistan Compact

A comprehensive look at the issues at stake in the London Conference.

Living on a Life Support Machine: The Challenge of Rebuilding Afghanistan

Conference in London shapes Afghanistan’s future through crafting of new compact.

Spying and Lying in 21st Century America

U.S. foreign policy and U.S. democracy.

Targeting Teheran

With the U.S. military under siege in Iraq, and polls running heavily against the White House’s Middle East version of Vietnam, are military strike plans on Iran just bluster and so much talk?

Cambodias Failing Democracy

Challenges of building democracy in Cambodia.

Command Responsibility?

Prospects for legal accountability for war crimes.

Climate Politics after Montreal: Time for a Change

Next steps to address climate change.

Two Justifications for Terrorism: A Moral Legal Response

Examining claims that justify terrorism.

The U.S. Invasion of Iraq: Not the Fault of Israel and Its Supporters

It is critical for people to resist??particularly those who identify with the peace movement??buying into this myth that it was Israel and its supporters who were responsible for the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq.

    Just Security | July 19, 2008

    Just Security

    The Nation - Editors Cut | July 27, 2007

    Just Security

    The Asia Times | July 21, 2007
